Your opinion matters! Rate Beltelecom on the rating portal!

We invite you to rate the activities of Beltelecom on the rating portal kachestvo-uslug.bel.

The portal for rating the quality of services and administrative procedures is a convenient tool that provides citizens with the opportunity to evaluate the work of various organizations. Each assessment is important, as it helps to study opinions of users and stimulates the improvement of the quality of public services. Based on the assessments of citizens who received services in a particular government organization, the final rating is formed.

At the present time subsidiaries and subdivisions of RUE Beltelecom are presented on the resource.

How to find a necessary organization:

  • With help of the search string;
  • On the list of organizations;
  • On a map – in section “Rating”;
  • By areas of activity and categories.

How to leave a rating?

  1. Register.
  2. Find the organization.
  3. Rate the quality of work.
  4. Find out the rating results of all users.

Rate us on the rating portal! We will be happy to receive a feedback!

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