Video control - a profitable option for video surveillance

Video surveillance

If you are developing a business and want to keep everything under control, then you will definitely think about how to connect a video surveillance system, which video surveillance kit to choose and how many cameras to buy.

Does your enterprise have a distributed structure, do you have many facilities, shops and warehouses in different parts of the city? Or do you just want to be sure that everything is in order in your office? A great option for you is the video surveillance service for legal entities. This decision is to organize round-the-clock monitoring of what is happening on the territory of the enterprise. You do not have to spend money to buy a video surveillance camera, and time to install a video surveillance kit. All installation work is carried out by Beltelecom, and video cameras are provided free of charge for the duration of the contract.

Legal entities that have connected to the “video surveillance” service receive:

  • turnkey video surveillance system including the individual wishes of the customer (including the creation of a video surveillance system, configuration, provision of a set of equipment for use and technical support);
  • the possibility to remote access to video information;
  • access to online video and video archive for the last 30 days, the possibility to independently quickly upload recorded videos;
  • access to video information is provided using three types of access: software client, web portal and mobile application;
  • multifunctional software client and web-portal, with the help of which it is possible to form layouts of cameras, build video walls and access control to video information;
  • secure video networks and reliable cloud storage.


Service Features

To activate the “video surveillance” service, you should contact the service center of the company. Beltelecom specialists will conduct a site survey and suggest how to install video cameras inside and outside the building, as well as how to organize workplaces for viewing video information. After coordination the layout of video cameras, Beltelecom specialists will lay all the necessary communications, install video cameras and other equipment for the service, as well as configure the software in the workplace.

Depending on the wishes of the customer, it is possible to view video information from all video cameras (including from geographically remote objects) within the framework of one workstation, or to create many workstations with access rights to video cameras of specific objects.

At any time, at the request of the customer, you can optionally install a video camera or move existing ones.

Provided specialized software allows you to:

  • view real-time video information;
  • get access to the archive from all installed cameras for the last 30 days;
  • manage layouts of cameras (from one to 25 cameras) on one screen (within the software client and web-portal);
  • create video walls and multi-screen configurations (within the framework of the software client and web-portal);
  • create additional users (within the web-portal);
  • control the speed of rewinding and viewing periods;
  • upload videos of the required duration to any medium (within the software client and web-portal).


Access after connecting and activating the service is carried out using the access details in any possible way: via the web portal at, via the software client (you can download at ), or on a mobile device with the Android or iOS operating system via the “video surveillance” application.

Download for Android.

Download for iOS.

If the organization is the owner or leases the premises in an apartment building, or is the managing or operating organization of the housing stock, then it may be granted access to view information from already installed video cameras in the premises of the apartment building.

More details about the conditions for the provision of the “video surveillance” service can be found in the Rules for services provision.


Tariffs for the service “Video surveillance”for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

In accordance with applicable law, tariffs are set excluding value added tax. Value added tax is levied in accordance with applicable law.

Introduced from January 1, 2022  
Name Tariffs excluding value added tax, rubles
1 Providing access to video surveillance service, for one camera 60,00
2 Reinstall of one camera 34,00
3 Subscription fee for access to the video surveillance service, per month  
3.1 for one camera with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels 16,20
3.2 for one camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels 19,60
3.3 for one camera with a resolution of 4 megapixels 35,00
4 Providing a channel to a video surveillance server to view video information per month when organizing a channel with bandwidth:  
4.1 5 Mbps 11,00
4.2 10 Mbps 16,00
4.3 50 Mbps 66,00
4.4 100 Mbps 125,00
4.5 over 100 Mbit/s for every 1 Mbit/s, up to 4.4. 1,15
5 Additional services:  
5.1 sound recording and playback, for one camera per month 1,80
5.2 provision of one set of user access details for viewing video information, per month 1,00


1 For organizations managing / operating buildings, access fee for item 1 "Providing access to the service" is not charged.
2 Reinstalling the camera means changing the installation location within the same building.
3 The fee for item 4 "Providing a channel for viewing video information" is charged when viewing video information by remote access (at an address different from the camera installation locations, or requires the creation of a separate connection, different from that organized for connecting cameras). The bandwidth of the channel for accessing the surveillance server for viewing video information is calculated including the bandwidth that allows simultaneous viewing of video information from all cameras (at the request of the subscriber).
  The fee for organizing a physical line in order to organize viewing of video information between the communication center and the subscriber's equipment is charged at the tariffs for public telecommunication services provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
  The fee for the organization of the channel to the video surveillance server for viewing video information is charged in accordance with clause 1 of the “Tariffs for services for combining corporate networks by IP protocol (VPN) provided to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”.
4 The fee for item 3 "Subscription fee for access to the video monitoring service" includes the cost of using the camera, access to viewing online, access to recorded information for 30 days, the possibility of local storage, using a physical line between the communication center and the camera installation site.
5 When providing a video monitoring service to organizations financed from the budget, the subscription fee is charged at position 3 using a coefficient of 0.9, with the exception of cases when the service is provided using equipment (cameras) that are not on the balance sheet of RUE Beltelecom.
6 When providing a video monitoring service, one subscriber is issued one set of details. When providing additional details, a fee is charged according to clause 6.2.
7 Payment for access of third-party organizations (managers / operating buildings, organizations renting or owning premises in residential buildings, etc.) to video information of a group of cameras at one address is charged at position 3.2. "Subscription fee for access to the video monitoring service with a resolution of 2 megapixels" and includes the cost of using the camera, access to view online, access to recorded information for 30 days.
8 There is no fee for the initial organization of one administrator's workplace. The fee for item 5 "Setting up the administrator's workplace" is charged if you need to configure an additional administrator's workplace.
9 Additional services (clause 6) are provided only in addition to the subscription fee for access to the video control service (clause 3) and if there is a technical possibility.
10 When providing the “video surveillance” service to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using equipment (video cameras) that are not on the balance of Beltelecom RUE, the monthly subscription fee for access to the service is charged at position 3 with a coefficient of 0.75. The fee for providing access to the “video surveillance” service (one-time) for a video camera (position 1) that is not on the balance of RUE Beltelecom is not charged if the video camera was previously installed.
11 Installing cameras with a resolution of 1.3 megapixels for subscribers of the service has not been provided since 25.12.2019.