History | Белтелеком


A new Telecommunication Administration of the Republic of Belarus emerged in the telecommunications world as a result of sovereignty declared by Belarus. Since then Belorussian telecommunication workers have been participating in the global process of providing international telecommunication services.

On 5 December 1994, the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union assigned a new international telephone code to the Republic of Belarus +375. The code had taken effect from 16 April 1995.

Within a short time period, an up-to-date procedure of mutual settlements for international telecommunication services was implemented. To meet the challenge, a Network Management and International Accounting Center (INMAC) was established. The Center was responsible for hands-on management of international communication lines as well as inbound and outbound international telephone traffic.

INMAC is a predecessor of Beltelecom, a Republican State-Owned Association, that has been established in 1995 as an entity of governmental form of ownership to pool all telecommunication enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.

By Order of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization No. 189 of 7.07.2004, the Republican State-Owned Association Beltelecom has been transformed to the Republican Unitary Telecommunications Enterprise Beltelecom (RUE Beltelecom) on 1 August 2004.

Today Beltelecom includes 9 Branches and 3 Divisions included into the Head structural unit of the company. Branches represent each region of Belarus and Minsk.