Directory-inquiry service of the Customer | Белтелеком

Directory-inquiry service of the Customer

Providing access to the directory-inquiry service of the Customer, chargeable for subscribers of fixed telecommunication network – is the opportunity to organize by Customer own, chargeable for subscribers, directory-inquiry service with the use of the RUE Beltelecom facilities.

Access to the service for the subscribers of the Republic of Belarus can be organized:
1. with the use of number8-902-АВС-хххх (allocated by RUE Beltelecom),
2. with the use of the number of the format 1ХХ (allocated by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus).

The service can be of interest for joint ventures (representative offices of foreign companies in the Republic of Belarus), carrier companies, travel companies, companies providing service maintenance of their products in Belarus, medical centers, domestic producers and trade enterprises, various companied.

To arrange access of the subscribers to the directory-inquiry service it is necessary to sign a contract with Beltelecom.

Signing a contract for the service, Customer receives:

  • A single access number across the country to the own directory-inquiry service, which remains unchanged when coordinates of the Customer change.
  • Centralized charging of the telephone connections.

Charging of the connections is fulfilled by means of Beltelecom. Time-out is provided for subscribers (no-charge time) to warn that the service is chargeable.