The application "My Town" will soon appear in Braslav | Белтелеком

The application "My Town" will soon appear in Braslav

Braslav is the fifth city in the Vitebsk region, which is included in the joint project of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization and RUE Beltelecom "My Town".

"My Town" is a mobile application that combines all the main services for residents and guests of cities. A working meeting on the implementation of the project was held in the Braslav regional executive committee. Representatives of the Vitebsk branch of RUE Beltelecom presented the platform to city administration, introduced its functionality and told about the successful launch of the project in Polotsk.

The head of the group on work with corporate clients of the Vitebsk branch of RUE Beltelecom Alexander Slovak noted that the application has proven itself very well:

– Thousands of Polotsk residents have already installed it on their mobile devices and made sure that it is convenient, quick and easy. Online booking, online delivery, online payment and many other options are available literally in one click. The application is especially relevant for such tourist cities as Polotsk and Braslav, because you can use it to order tickets to a museum or book a hotel room.

Users appreciated the convenient and intuitive interface of the application. All information here is structured by type of activity. You can choose a section where all the organizations of the region, registered in the application, are presented, or a module with the most popular areas - recreation and tourism, services, health and sports, education. There are 40 modules in the application.

Citizens more often use the resource to make an appointment to the regional executive committee, government agency or school, find out the opening hours of shops, cafes and restaurants, call an emergency team, schedule a visit to a beauty salon or service station.

The initiative was developed within the framework of the State Program “Digital Development of Belarus”. The pilot project was implemented in Polotsk. Next in line are Glubokoe, Pinsk, Orsha, Braslav, Baranovichi, Lepel, Narovlya.