Beltelecom and MSLU will create a joint digital project “My University” | Белтелеком

Beltelecom and MSLU will create a joint digital project “My University”

On March 17, the Cooperation Agreement was signed by Director General of RUE Beltelecom Yuri Petruchenya and Rector of Minsk State Linguistic University Natalya Lapteva.

The parties agreed to develop digital infrastructure and innovative approaches in the field of education. The mobile application “My University” will be the first project in this direction.

Yuri Petruchenya, Director General of RUE Beltelecom:

– Today, Beltelecom, as a competence center in the field of telecommunications and digital technologies, opens a new page of cooperation with Minsk State Linguistic University. The interaction platform for applicants, students and teachers My University” is a pilot project. Its goal is to digitalize the main services of the university, increase the efficiency of operation and communication.

Natalia Lapteva, Rector of Minsk State Linguistic University:

The application “My University”, the pilot project that we intend to implement in cooperation with RUE “Beltelecom”, is the dream of our students and teachers. I express the hope that the application will provide new opportunities for presenting the university and solving the problems of organizing the educational process using distance learning technologies, as well as for increasing the efficiency of interaction in the university space.

“My University” is a mobile application for accessing the services of the educational institution with the possibility of administration of individual elements . In other words, the resource will become a kind of “one window” of the university, accumulating useful information for all concerned. Unlike a traditional website, the feature of the app is interactive interaction and feedback. Typical modules, information, news, online signup, chat, polls will be implemented here.

Applicants will be able to get information about the admissions process, students - to get acquainted with the schedule, receive assignments from teachers, use the electronic journal, sign up for courses and online consultations, teachers - communicate with students, conduct surveys. The functionality can be flexibly expanded taking into account the requests of all interested users.

Testing of the new application is planned to start in May.

For many years, Beltelecom has been participating in large-scale education digitalization projects. At its own expense, the enterprise laid modern fiber-optic lines to all city schools. The construction of fiber-optic to rural educational institutions continues. The reliable infrastructure has become the basis for e-education projects, distance learning and other relevant areas.

Beltelecom is ready to implement any telecommunications project on a turnkey basis, taking into account all the requests of the customer. Internet access, Wi-Fi, video surveillance, hosting services are the most demanded in the field of education.