Beltelecom expands the range of service packages for individuals | Белтелеком

Beltelecom expands the range of service packages for individuals

New items appeared in the range of the “Semeyny” and “YASNA” service packages - “Semeyny 10 + Kino” and “YASNA 100 SMART Videocontrol” tariff plans.

“Semeyny 10 + Kino“ is a unique offer for movie fans, which is now available to subscribers who do not have xPON connectivity.

Unlimited Internet access at speeds up to 10 Mbps, interactive television on the terms of the “ZALA: All Inclusive”, tariff plan, unlimited number of telephone connections within the Beltelecom network with the CLIP service were supplemented with subscriptions to online cinemas IVI and MEGOGO, as well as catalog Clients will have access to collections of the best films and TV series. The catalogs contain tens of thousands of units of licensed content. Viewers will be able to find their favorite movies and watch them on the TV screen.

Please note that you need a B800 set-top box to use the “Semeyny 10 + Kino” package. Connection is provided subject to technical feasibility.

“YASNA 100 SMART Videocontrol” is a new package, a distinctive feature of which is the availability of Video surveillance and Internet TV SMART ZALA services.

Thus, the service package includes:

- Internet access at a speed of 100 Mbps for reception and 50 Mbps for transmission and unlimited Wi-Fi access using valid access details (login and password);

- SMART-TV ZALA on the terms of the “Kanapa TV” tariff plan and additional packages “Premium” and “More TV”;

- “Video surveillance” for individuals;

- telephone communication on the terms of unlimited telephone connections over the network of RUE “Beltelecom” with the additional CLIP service.

“YASNA 100 SMART Videocontrol” package is available to subscribers of apartment buildings that are connected via GPON technology and equipped with video cameras from RUE Beltelecom.

It is more profitable to purchase all services in one package than separately: as part of the package, they are cheaper and payment is made to a single personal account.

The cost of “Semeyny 10 + Kino” will be 38.4 rubles, “YASNA 100 SMART Videocontrol” - 40.9 rubles. For more information, please contact Beltelecom service centers or call 123.

We also inform you that the service packages “YASNA Kino (IVI)”, “YASNA Kino (MEGOGO)” and “YASNA Kino +” will be transferred to the archive from October 28, 2021. This means that the existing subscribers of these packages can continue to use them, but new subscribers will not be able to connect to them.