Beltelecom offers a new package of services “YASNA social” | Белтелеком

Beltelecom offers a new package of services “YASNA social”

As of April 1, 2022, a new tariff plan has appeared in the range of YASNA service packages - “YASNA Social”.

YASNA social package of services includes:

  • unlimited access to the Internet at a speed of 25 Mbps for reception and 12.5 Mbps for transmission;
  • ZALA interactive television services on the terms of the extended package of channels “ZALA: All Inclusive”;
  • telephone communication on the terms of unlimited duration of connections via the Beltelecom network with the additional CLIP number identification service.

The ability to connect to "YASNA social" is provided to subscribers of the GPON network belonging to the following categories of citizens: disabled people of all groups; families raising disabled children under 18; large families; family-type orphanages; veterans of the The Great Patriotic War; internationalist soldiers.

The cost of “YASNA social” is 28.7 rubles.

It is more profitable to purchase all services in one package than separately: they are cheaper as part of a package and payment is made to a common personal account.

For a consultation, please contact Beltelecom service centers or call 123.

You can leave an on-line request for connecting a service package here.