Beltelecom offers new service packages for home and business | Белтелеком

Beltelecom offers new service packages for home and business

New items appeared in the "Semeynyy" and "Business Case" lines! The range of tariff plans for individuals and legal entities has been replenished with new offers - "Semeynyy 30" * and "Business Case 15 Video Control".

Tariff plan "Semeynyy" - for subscribers connected via xDSL technology. It includes:

  • access to the Internet at a speed of 30/1 Mbps;
  • Internet TV SMART ZALA on the terms of the tariff plan "Kanapa TV" with additional packages "Bolshe (more) TV" and "Premium";
  • telephone communication with an unlimited number of connections in the Beltelecom network and the CLIP number identification service.

The monthly subscription fee for the "Semeynyy 30" service package is 39 rubles.

"Business Case 15 Video Control" is a new package for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Its distinguishing feature is the presence of the "Video control" service with one video camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels.

Thus, the package of services includes:

  • access to the Internet at a speed of 15 Mbps for reception and 7.5 Mbps for transmission;
  • telephone communication on the terms of unlimited duration of telephone connections over the RUE Beltelecom network with the additional CLIP number identification service;
  • service "Video control".

Subscribers connected via GPON technology can use the service package. The cost of "Business Case 15 Video Control" is 34.4 rubles, excluding VAT.

It is more convenient to purchase services in one package than separately: they are cheaper as part of a package and payment is made to a common personal account.

You can connect the service package by contacting the service center or by leaving a request on the website. For details, call the round-the-clock number 123.

*The service is provided to individuals if technically feasible.