Beltelecom Offers New Tariff Plan “Social Anlim 25” | Белтелеком

Beltelecom Offers New Tariff Plan “Social Anlim 25”

Beltelecom is expanding the “Social” line and from April 1, 2019 it offers a new byfly tariff plan “Social Anlim 25”.

The tariff plan “Social Anlim 25” provides for round-the-clock unlimited Internet access at a speed of 25/12.5 Mbps.

This tariff plan is available for disabled people of all groups, families raising disabled children under the age of 18, large families, orphanages and family-type orphanages, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, international soldiers, and public associations dealing with the problems of the above groups of citizens.

The monthly fee of the “Social Anlim 25” tariff plan is 14.95 rubles. The new tariff plan can be connected in Beltelecom service centers.