Beltelecom organized a Wi-Fi network in Catapulta shopping center in Mozyr | Белтелеком

Beltelecom organized a Wi-Fi network in Catapulta shopping center in Mozyr

Gomel branch of RUE Beltelecom organized a Wi-Fi network in the shopping and entertainment center “Catapulta” in Mozyr. 18 wireless access points were organized for the convenience of visitors.

To use the service, find the network “KATAPULTA FREE” and connect to it. After that - go to the website “” and specify your mobile phone number in the authorization window that opens. Next, enter the PIN code received in the SMS message and click “Enter”.

The wireless network in the country is constantly developing. You can use Wi-Fi access points from Beltelecom at train stations, hotels, resorts, cinemas, cafes, educational institutions and other urban infrastructure facilities.

At the request of the customer Beltelecom is ready to organize a Wi-Fi network and offer a wide range of modern telecommunication services for businesses of any scale.