Beltelecom participates at the 25th anniversary exhibition Bakutel | Белтелеком

Beltelecom participates at the 25th anniversary exhibition Bakutel

25th Аnniversary Azerbaijan International Exhibition Bakutel is held in Baku, Azerbaijan on December 3-6, 2019. The delegation of the Republic of Belarus headed by the Minister of Communications and Informatization Konstantin Shulgan takes an active part in its work.

The National Stand of the Republic of Belarus is represented at the large-scale exposition Bakutel-2019. This year, Belarusian organizations in the field of information and communication technologies are united by the concept “Belarus is a country of digital opportunities”.

Beltelecom presents its possibilities and achievements at the collective exposition. The projects implemented for education and healthcarare are presented to the guests and participants of the anniversary forum. In addition, Beltelecom introduces its successful services such as Video Control, Smart Home and launch of its own YASNAe TV channel and other innovative technical solutions of the company.

For 25 years, the exhibition annually gathers leaders of the telecommunications market, being a successful arena for demonstrating IT products and services. Bakutel is not only the largest IT exhibition in the Caspian region, but also a unique business platform for networking, where strong business contacts are established and issues of mutually beneficial cooperation are discussed.

The anniversary exhibition bring together more than 200 participants from 20 countries. Belarus, Israel, Italy, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Slovenia, Russia, the USA, Turkey, France, Croatia and other countries display national stands at the exhibition. This year, guests and participants will meet an extensive exhibition area with a great number of presentations of technological innovations and the latest achievements of the IT sphere, as well as a rich business program.