Beltelecom presented a book on the history of telecommunications in Belarus | Белтелеком

Beltelecom presented a book on the history of telecommunications in Belarus

Beltelecom presented a book dedicated to the history of telecommunications in Belarus. The presentation of the publication took place on August 4 in Minsk. The event was attended by the Minister of Communications and Informatization Konstantin Shulgan, First Deputy Minister of Information Andrey Kuntsevich, Director General of RUE Beltelecom Yury Petruchenya, heads of communications organizations, industry veterans and other honored guests.

The book about the history of telecommunications in Belarus was the result of the work of a large team. For two years, a team of historians, communications workers and journalists worked on it, collecting unique documents, facts and eyewitness memories.

The Minister of Communications and Informatization Konstantin Shulgan noted the value and importance of this work, because the communications of Belarus have a rich history. For example, the telegraph is more than 160 years old, the Minsk city telephone network is more than 125 years old, and until recently there were no large-scale scientific studies on this topic.

The idea of creating the book “History of Telecommunications in Belarus” belongs to the General Director of RUE Beltelecom Yury Petruchenya. Yuri Nikolayevich emphasized that the chronology of the communications industry includes not only the technical side, facts, events and achievements, it is also a chronicle of human destinies.

– I hope that readers will learn a lot of new and interesting things for themselves. While working on the book, we collected a huge amount of material that was not included in the publication. I am sure that more than one bright page will appear in the history book! - added Yuri Petruchenya.

The main work on the book “History of Telecommunications in Belarus” took place in the Year of Historical Memory. For the first time, it presents previously unpublished facts, documents and photographs that have long been kept in archives, museums and private photo albums. It reflects the memories of those who were a direct participant in many significant events for the industry. In the process of work, handwritten memoirs of veteran signalmen were digitized and preserved, audio and video documents were found. On the pages of the book there were also quotes from our contemporaries - signalmen, who devoted many years to the enterprise and continue to work today.

The first copy of the book with autographs of the author, veteran communications workers and guests of honor will take its rightful place in the Historical and Information Center of Communications.


