Beltelecom is recognized as the leader of the artificial intelligence of Belarus at the II Forum of the IT Academgrad | Белтелеком

Beltelecom is recognized as the leader of the artificial intelligence of Belarus at the II Forum of the IT Academgrad

Beltelecom has become the winner of the competition “Leaders of artificial intelligence of Belarus – 2023” in the nomination “Company – is the leader of the artificial intelligence of Belarus”! Honorary award was given to the First Deputy Director General of RUE Beltelecom Gennady Melnikov at the opening of the II Forum of the IT Academgrad, that started in Minsk on October 12.

“It is very honorable for the company Beltelecom to get award in the nomination “Leader of the artificial intelligence of Belarus”, – Gennady Melnikov comments the event. – For many years our company is the leader in the telecommunication market, implements innovations and technologies, so that the most modern and qualified services are available to our citizens in every corner of the country».

Today artificial intelligence is one of the main trends in the world of technologies, that is why Beltelecom strives to increase its competencies in this field. The use of artificial intelligence in all economic sectors will allow to raise the efficiency of work, improve the quality of products and services, reduce costs.

Beltelecom thanks the organizers of the forum for high recognition and notes its readiness to continue the work in the field of artificial intelligence, modern technologies and innovations. To be technology leader and implement the most progressive projects is an essential part of the company`s strategy.

On October 12-13, Forum of the IT Academgrad “Artificial intelligence in Belarus” takes part in Minsk. Exhibitions of significant domestic developments in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, the presentation of belarusian digital platform of artificial intelligence are held at the event, thematic sections and round tables work. The aim of the Forum is demonstration of the achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics; development and coordination of cooperation of scientists and specialists, dealing with researches in the field of appilication of artificial intelligence methods, in the interests of searching for effective solutions and practical recommendations on their application in different spheres of life.