Beltelecom runs campaigns for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory | Белтелеком

Beltelecom runs campaigns for the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory

May 9, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

For the great holiday, Victory Day, Beltelecom runs campaigns for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Traditionally, Beltelecom provides for disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War free long-distance telephone calls * (calls within the Republic of Belarus) from home phones, in post offices and from dedicated telephone numbers of hospitals.

Free long-distance telephone calls are available from 00.00 hours 07.05.2020 to 24.00 hours 11.05.2020 automatically or using a telephone operator from home telephones, whose subscribers are the following individuals:

· Heroes of the Soviet Union;

· Full Cavalier of the Order of Glory ;

· disabled veteran s of the Great Patriotic War;

· participant of the Great Patriotic War ;

· persons who took part in special formations in the clearance of territories and objects after liberation from German occupation in 1943–1945;

· persons awarded orders and (or) medals of the USSR for selfless work and perfect military service in the rear during the Great Patriotic War;

· persons working at air defense facilities, local air defense, construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of existing fronts, on front-line sections of railways and highways;

· crew members of ships of the transport fleet interned at the beginning of Great Patriotic War in ports of other states;

· persons who worked at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city of Leningrad during the blockade from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 and awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”, and persons awarded the sign “Resident of the besieged Leningrad”;

· disabled since childhood due to wounds, shell shock, injuries associated with hostilities during the Great Patriotic War or with the consequences of hostilities that have reached the generally established retirement age.

To make a free call, you need to dial the number of the called party yourself or order a telephone conversation from an apartment phone using a telephone operator. The order of free long-distance telephone calls from 00.00 07.05.2020 to 24.00 11.05.2020 is carried out by phones:

· for subscribers of Brest and Brest region – 8-18;

· for subscribers of Vitebsk and Vitebsk region – 8-18;

· for subscribers of Gomel and Gomel region – 8-13;

· for subscribers of Grodno and Grodno region – 8-13;

· for subscribers of Minsk and Minsk region – 8-13, 8-18;

· for subscribers of Mogilev and Mogilev region – 8-18.

*The terms of thepromoyion do not apply to conversations with subscribers of mobile networks, to Internet access and the use of paid information services, including those organized according to the long-distance principle.

The participants of the Great Patriotic War will also be given the opportunity to make local, long-distance, international calls using service telephone cards (STK) with a nominal value of 16 000 tariff units.

Inquiries on providing telephone calls using service telephone cards can be obtained by calling 176 or 8 805 100 4444.

Inquiries on the codes of cities and countries are provided by telephone of the uniform reference and information service 153.

By tradition, Beltelecom annually extends the validity of the Victory Day with ZALA campaign, in which invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War can connect for free to the ZALA broadcast TV standard TV package and to the ZALA interactive TV Premiere basic package and use the service without a monthly fee.

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, from May 1, 2020 to August 31, 2020, the republican campaign "75 years of Victory with ZALA for new subscribers" is held.

In accordance with the terms of the promotion, individuals over the age of 75 who are not connected to the television services of RUE Beltelecom or whose registration and / or residence are not provided with television services are invited to connect to the ZALA interactive television Premiere base package or the basic package “Standard TV” of ZALA terrestrial television without an installation fee and with a 100 percent discount on a monthly fee for 3 months from the date of connection.

Connection of new subscribers to television services is carried out with the availability of technical capabilities. You can connect on the terms of the promotion in service centers.