Beltelecom will take part in the international exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO-2023 | Белтелеком

Beltelecom will take part in the international exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO-2023

On August 22 - 24, Minsk will host the II International Specialized Environmental Exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023. This year's motto is “Green Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for the Economy”. The exhibition is dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation.

ECOLOGY EXPO-2023 will present innovative solutions and achievements in the field of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Beltelecom will present its own exposition in the eco-transport section to guests and participants.

Since 2022, the operator has been creating the infrastructure for electric vehicles. A network of electric charging stations (ECS) under the brand name Evika! already has two dozen addresses. ECS operate in Pinsk, Novopolotsk, Soligorsk and in the capital. The new brand is successfully developing, complementing Beltelecom's portfolio of technological solutions.

The owners of electric cars have appreciated the benefits of charging with Evika, the main of which are comfort and safety. As a rule, ECS are located in residential areas, near offices or business centers, and each is under video surveillance. The stations with a capacity of 22 kW per post provide a full AC charge in 4-8 hours, which guarantees careful operation of the battery of an electric vehicle.

Recently, for the convenience of users, the site has appeared, whereby planning travel routes has become even easier. The site will help you quickly find the nearest electric charging station for your vehicle. You just need to enter your city or district, and the site will offer a list of all available electric charging stations.

Beltelecom will continue promoting its Evika brand. Before the end of this year, the network will expand significantly to provide maximum access to the charging infrastructure.

The exhibition ECOLOGY EXPO-2023 will be held in Minsk, at the address: 14, Pobediteley ave, Minsk. The organizers are the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and the National Exhibition Center BelExpo.

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