Congratulations on Independence Day and the 25th anniversary of Beltelecom! | Белтелеком

Congratulations on Independence Day and the 25th anniversary of Beltelecom!

Dear colleagues, partners, subscribers! Dear friends!

Please accept sincere congratulations on the main national holiday - Independence Day and the 25th anniversary of the Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom!

We celebrate the anniversary of the enterprise in the significant year of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and on the same day as the main holiday of our country - Independence Day.

There are events in life which significance cannot be overestimated. These are heroic pages of history. We bow to the courage and fortitude of those who have defended for us the right to a peaceful life. We say the warmest and most cordial words to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who have passed the difficult path to victory. We promise to do everything possible to maintain peace and increase all labor successes in the name of prosperity and a happy future for our country!

Beltelecom is 25 years old. We have achieved impressive results that we can rightfully be proud of. These years will be remembered to us as a time of hard work and responsible decisions, bright ideas and new interesting projects.

Beltelecom plays a significant role in the digital world, participates in large-scale government projects and strives to make the world of new information and communication technologies closer and more understandable to everyone. The company creates a modern communication infrastructure, implements relevant services, constantly improves quality and service. We have become a reliable provider of communication services for millions of subscribers. We are known in every corner of our native Belarus!

Telemen, as before, are faithful to their calling - to give people the joy of communication. High standards of work have been laid down by many generations of communication workers. With a sense of deep appreciation, we are contacting you, dear veterans. Thank you for your experience, knowledge and strength given to the native enterprise.

We thank all colleagues for the highest professionalism, responsibility and devotion to their work, all partners - for joint fruitful work, customers - for trust. We sincerely wish everyone a good mood, good, peace, success in work, happiness and prosperity!

Today we have become a year older. We are only 25! And what is next - even more interesting!

Sincerely yours, Beltelecom
