Connect the “Turbo Button” and increase the Internet speed up to 100 Mbps | Белтелеком

Connect the “Turbo Button” and increase the Internet speed up to 100 Mbps

Dear subscribers! If you are satisfied with the conditions of your tariff plan, but sometimes you need higher speed to download large files quickly, we suggest to use the “Turbo button” service.

After ordering of the “Turbo button”, a subscriber will have for a certain period of time (3 or 12 hours) the speed increased up to 100 Mbps for reception and up to 50 Mbps for transmission. At the end of the time period for which the service was ordered, the access speed is restored in compliance with the parameters of subscriber’s tariff plan.

You can activate the service by yourself via your user account or using application “My Beltelecom”.

An increase of Internet access speed up to 100/50 Mbps for 3 hours costs 0.74 rubles, for 12 hours - 1.86 rubles. Money is written off in full for the service rendered immediately upon the order of the service.

The service is available to byfly subscribers connected using GPON technology, as well as to the subscribers of YASNA service packages.


“Turbo Button” is an excellent solution for increasing speed for a short time.