The content of ZALA TV packages is changing | Белтелеком

The content of ZALA TV packages is changing

From August 3, the content of the packages of ZALA TV channels will change.

The test broadcast of the TV channel “HD Media” will begin in the additional package “Semeyny HD”and the extended package “ZALA: All Inclusive HD” ZALA IPTV, as well as in the basic package “Kanapa TV” SMART ZALA. It is an educational and entertainment TV resource that offers a wide variety of programs about the secrets of our planet and human civilization. Together with the channel, viewers will be able to travel around Russia and the most remote corners of the planet, get acquainted with the cultures and national traditions of different peoples, learn about the secrets and interesting phenomena of wildlife, visit protected forests, hot deserts and ocean depths.

The broadcast of the TV channel “MIR 24” will be organized in the extended and basic ZALA IPTV packages and in SMART ZALA. The broadcast of this TV channel in the thematic package “Semeyny HD” is terminated.

Please note that from August 3, the numbering of TV channels in ZALA TV has changed. Read more here.