Director General of RUE Beltelecom appointed | Белтелеком

Director General of RUE Beltelecom appointed

Yury Nikolaevich Petruchenia has been appointed as Director General of the Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom. On June 14, the Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, Konstantin Shulgan, presented the new head to the team. The Minister noted that today Beltelecom performs important tasks, developing a wide range of modern communication services. Konstantin Shulgan expressed confidence that the great experience and high professionalism will allow the new Director General to ensure further successful and stable operation of the enterprise.

Yury Nikolaevich Petruchenia was born on April 12, 1961 in the village Rakavichy, Nesvizh District, Minsk Region. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Communications (1989) and the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2001).

The whole professional life of Y.N.Petruchenia is associated with the industry. He underwent a career from an electrician of the third category of the Molodechno linear technical section of communication unit No. 1 of the Molodechno operational technical communication center to the director of the Minsk branch of the Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom. On June 14, 2019, he was appointed as the Director General of the Republican Unitary Telecommunication Enterprise Beltelecom.

He is a deputy of the Minsk Oblast Council of Deputies of the 28th convocation.