The Forum of the International Telecommunication Union "Smart sustainable cities: organizational and technical aspects" started in Minsk | Белтелеком

The Forum of the International Telecommunication Union "Smart sustainable cities: organizational and technical aspects" started in Minsk

General Director of RUE Beltelecom Yuri Petruchenya took part in the opening of the Forum of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) “Smart Sustainable Cities: Organizational and Technical Aspects”, which takes place in Minsk from March 16 to 18.

The Forum will also host a meeting of the ITU-T Study Group 20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Transcaucasia.

Natalia Mochu, Director of the ITU Regional Office for the CIS, Konstantin Shulgan, Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, Yuri Petruchenya, Director General of RUE Beltelecom, and Andrei Karaim, Director of JSV Giprosvjaz, made a welcoming speech at the opening of the event.

Yuri Petruchenya noted that the creation of smart cities is one of the key areas of the digital economy around the world. Today, more and more modern solutions appear that make life easier and more convenient, help save time and resources.

- The attention of Beltelecom specialists is focused on promising projects that will be in demand by the digital economy, and first of all, on the implementation of the comprehensive concept of a republican scale“ Smart cities of Belarus ”, - noticed the General Director.

Beltelecom creates a technological foundation that will meet the growing information needs of the state, population and business. One of the company's strategic objectives is to create a modern telecommunications infrastructure.

The event is also attended by representatives of the ITU, government bodies, regional executive committees, leading organizations of science and education. Practical experience and ways of building a smart sustainable city at the Forum are presented by speakers from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan, experts from the Green Cities Project, UNDP (Belarus), specialists from leading domestic companies.

International experts will present thematic papers on the organizational and technical aspects of the development of smart sustainable cities.

The Forum will provide an opportunity for specialists from different countries to get acquainted with the latest world achievements in the field of smart sustainable cities, which are being implemented under the auspices of the ITU. Consideration of proposals from ITU member states and exchange of experience on the most pressing issues in the development of smart urban technologies will allow reaching mutual understanding on the existing problems of smart cities and finding ways to solve them.