Join Beltelecom communities on social networks | Белтелеком

Join Beltelecom communities on social networks

Beltelecom is committed to an open, productive dialogue with its customers and is constantly expanding its presence on the Internet. Our communities on social networks VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Odnoklassniki unite more than 28.5 thousand subscribers. One of the main tasks of these Internet sites is to provide complete and timely information about the activities and services of the company. In our communities, users can also ask their questions and get answers from experts.

On the VKontakte network, we post information about existing and planned promotions, offer news on the topic of communications and communications, and talk about our services.

Wishing to help customers who need technical support, the management of Beltelecom supported the idea of ​​opening byfly and ZALA technical support groups on this social network. Any VKontakte user can ask his question to technical specialists in the community, and if necessary, write to our employee in private messages for a more detailed consideration of the situation and the provision of operational assistance, filling out an application to call the master.

The account of our company is valid in the popular Instagram social network. There you can see with your own eyes how Beltelecom and its employees live today.

Pages of Beltelecom are actively working on social networks Twitter, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, where everyone can get acquainted with the company's news, ask their questions, participate in a constructive discussion of the services offered.

Join us in social networks! We hope that our profiles will be useful for you.