Legal entities now are able to pay for Beltelecom services in the Single Settlement and Information Space | Белтелеком

Legal entities now are able to pay for Beltelecom services in the Single Settlement and Information Space

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As of April 10, 2020, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who use Internet byfly, television ZALA, service packages, “Smart Home”, “Maxiphone” under agreements with an advance form of payment, are able to pay for services in the Single Settlement and Information Space.

To make a payment:

1. Select the item “System “Single Settlement and Information Space”.
2. Choose the following tabs subsequently: “Internet, Television, Telephony” → “Beltelecom” → Your region.
3. Select “Legal Entities”.
4. Select the service (ZALA, byfly, Smart Home, Maxiphone, packages)
5. Enter the Annex number.
6. Enter the payment amount.
7. Check that information is correct.
8. Make the payment.

Other payment methods for services by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are available here.