The Ministry of Communications summarized the results of the industry's work for 9 months | Белтелеком

The Ministry of Communications summarized the results of the industry's work for 9 months

On November 5, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus held a meeting to summarize the results of the industry's work for the first 9 months of 2024. Gennady Melnikov, First Deputy General Director of RUE Beltelecom, participated in the event.

During the reporting period, the organizations of the Ministry of Communications system successfully met almost all indicators of socio-economic development, maintained a stable financial position and demonstrated positive dynamics in a number of economic indicators.

Revenue from sales of products (works, services) amounted to 108.3% of the corresponding period last year, sales profitability was 10.8%, and the reduction in the level of costs for production and sales of products (works, services) was minus 1.38%. The growth of labor productivity and real average monthly wages was ensured.

Minister Konstantin Shulgan, addressing the heads of organizations of the Ministry of Communications system noted that one of the main criteria for the development of the industry is investment.

- Everyone understands that without investment there is no development, and here we are moving ahead of our plans. But do not forget that investments shall be effective, - said Konstantin Shulgan.

The key topic of the conversation was industry indicators. The Minister called on the heads and staff of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization to pay more attention to narrowly specialized "markers", without which it is impossible to imagine the work of organizations in the industry. The most important of these is the gross added value in the "Information and Communications" section. Positive dynamics have been maintained here throughout the year.

Summarizing the results of the industry's work for 9 months logically moved into setting goals for the upcoming period.

– When developing business plans for 2025, which industry organizations have already begun, it is necessary to focus on the development and promotion of effective projects, – urged the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Konstantin Shulgan.

Beltelecom will continue to work actively on the implementation of the set tasks and strengthen its position in the telecommunications services market.