Mobile application “My City” launched in Postavy | Белтелеком

Mobile application “My City” launched in Postavy

Postavy is another city in the Vitebsk region that has joined the “My City (Belarus)” mobile application. Now the innovative platform covers 20 locations in the Vitebsk region. Since the launch of the application in February 2021 in Polotsk, the project has been growing at a rapid pace and is developing successfully. In the near future, two more cities of the Vitebsk region will appear in it, and now the entire region will be digitized in the “My City” application.

“My City” is a mobile platform that accumulates the most popular services for a specific region. With its help, citizens receive simple and convenient access to the entire city infrastructure - city administration, educational and healthcare institutions, trade, cultural and leisure facilities.

However, an application is not an analogue of a website; its feature is the possibility of interactive communication. Citizens can make an appointment with the executive committee and other government agencies, ask a question and get an answer, buy a product online, schedule a visit to a clinic, or enroll a child in a sports section.

A separate application with unique data is created for each city. Its functionality also allows you to leave feedback and suggestions, which helps improve the quality of services and increase the level of communication between citizens and authorities. The application is constantly improving and becoming more functional.

The “My City (Belarus)” application is available for download in the App Store and Google Play.

Various business entities can take part in filling the platform. To participate, you shall leave an application on the website: or contact the Beltelecom service center.