More speed at the same price: Beltelecom has increased the speed on tariff plans for the service “Provision of Wi-Fi network for use” | Белтелеком

More speed at the same price: Beltelecom has increased the speed on tariff plans for the service “Provision of Wi-Fi network for use”

Great news for corporate clients! Beltelecom has increased the speed to the Internet on tariffs for the service “Provision of Wi-Fi network for use” without changing the cost.

Now the speed to the Internet access has increased to 7 Mbps at each point on the tariff plans “Basoviy+” and “Basoviy Light+”, archived “Basoviy” and “Basoviy Light”, as well as on the tariff “Free Wi-Fi” for the service “Provision of Wi-Fi network for use”.

If you need to increase the speed at a point, Beltelecom can provide additional bandwidth in accordance with the applicable tariffs.

The service "Provision of Wi-Fi network for use" is in demand in absolutely different spheres. It is connected to banks, hotels, sports and shopping facilities, medical and recreational centers and so on.

At the request of the customer, Beltelecom will provide necessary equipment and create a Wi-Fi network with an individual name (SSID) or connect the equipment to the authorization system of RUE Beltelecom, if the client has its own Wi-Fi network. In such a case, the customer will receive an access to the authorization portal and be able independently arrange it in its own corporate style.

In addition to the wireless network, Beltelecom also offers a wide range of services for business.

To get more details, please contact service centers and call 24-hour support on 123.