New service package "YASNA 100 Videocontrol" is presented | Белтелеком

New service package "YASNA 100 Videocontrol" is presented

On October 1, 2020, a new offer appeared in the line of popular service packages - “YASNA 100 Videocontrol”.

A distinctive feature of this package is the availability of Video surveillance service.

Thus, “YASNA 100 Videocontrol” package includes:

  • Internet access at a speed of 100 Mbps for reception and 50 Mbps for transmission and unlimited Wi-Fi access using valid access details (login and password);
  • ZALA Interactive TV under the tariff plan "ZALA: All Inclusive";
  • Telephony service with an unlimited number of telephone connections in the network of RUE Beltelecom and the additional CLIP service;
  • Video surveillance service under the terms of the existing service for individuals.

“YASNA 100 Videocontrol” package is available to subscribers of apartment buildings connected using GPON technology and equipped with cameras from RUE Beltelecom.

Advantages of YASNA service packages:

GPON technology which guarantees high speed Internet access and high quality television.

Favorable price - the cost of connecting three services as part of the package is cheaper than separately. Payment for all services within the package is made to a common personal account.

Advance form of payment - a personal account is replenished in any amount sufficient to maintain its positive balance;

Easy to connect - the necessary equipment is provided for use free of charge.

We also inform you that the service packages "YASNA 75", "YASNA 75 plus" and "YASNA 35 plus" will be transferred to the archive from October 1, 2020. This means that the current subscribers of these packages can continue to use them, but new subscribers will not be able to connect to them.