New television channels appeared in ZALA IPTV and SMART ZALA | Белтелеком

New television channels appeared in ZALA IPTV and SMART ZALA

Dear subscribers!

On April 24, 2020, test broadcasting of the following television channels started in the interactive television ZALA and SMART ZALA.

The television channel “Dialogi o rybalke” appeared in the basic and extended pachages of the interactive television ZALA, as well asthe basic package SMART ZALA,

The television channels “Zdorovoe TV” and “Zoopark” replenished the additional thematic package “Poznavatelny”, the extended packages ZALA IPTV, as well as the basic package SMART ZALA.

The television channels “Unicum” appeared in the basic package SMART ZALA, the additional hematic package “Detsky” and the extended packages of the interactive television ZALA.

Enjoy your viewing!

“Dialogi o rybalke ” is an informative Russian channel for amaters of fishing, as well as travel and outdoor recreation.

Zdorovoe TV"  is a channel about health and everything that supports and strengthens it. On the air - an authoritative opinion of the best doctors, a discussion of the most pressing issues of a healthy lifestyle and recipes for healthy dishes.

Zoo park” is an informatively entertaining television channel about wildlife. Documentary films about the fauna of different continents, etc.

“Unicum” is a television channel for the viewers from 6 to 12 years old. Only children's feature films and animated films and series, educational and entertaining programs, as well as programs of own production, are broadcast.