Notice for Subscribers | Белтелеком

Notice for Subscribers

Dear subscribers!

Since 2015 RUE Beltelecom has been providing Wi-Fi Internet access via a captive portal. Using the portal, one can not only enter the access details available for the subscriber, but also purchase a login and password for the required access time.

To familiarize subscribers with the capabilities of the portal, Beltelecom offered free access for a limited period of time: at the launch stage of the portal, the free period was 15 minutes, subsequently it was increased to 30 minutes.

In recent years, the opportunities for obtaining Internet access details via Wi-Fi technology have expanded. In particular, subscribers of YASNA basic service packages can access Internet via Wi-Fi technology using details of their home connection at no extra charge. In addition, the number of partner networks of legal entities is constantly growing, which, using Beltelecom Wi-Fi network service, provide their customers with Internet access.

In this regard, please note that from February 10, 2020, 30-minute free access from the captive (self-service) portal is closed on the Wi-Fi network of RUE Beltelecom (BELTELECOM).

Please note that free access via the Wi-Fi network to the information resources of government agencies, print and mass media is preserved.

Since February 10, 2020, the range of Wi-Fi access card values has been optimized. The most popular options of Wi-Fi access cards (60 minutes, 1 day, 5 days) remain available on the captive (self-service) portal.