The project “In the Public Domain” returns to the air in an updated format | Белтелеком

The project “In the Public Domain” returns to the air in an updated format

On September 2, watch the first program of the new season “In the Public Domain” on YASNAe TV. The creative team tried to change the project as much as possible, while not changing the previous concept.

Alexander Serebrennikov became the new presenter of “In the Public Domain”. According to Alexander, it was very interesting for him to try himself in the genre of an information and analytical program. However, a special “restructuring” was not needed, since the presenter has a wealth of experience in television.

The location of the program has also changed. It is still located in the Center of information and communication technologies of RUE “Beltelecom”, however, the new site maximally emphasizes the idea of the project: technologies are becoming an integral part of our life. The guests of the studio - teachers, developers, experts in the field of digitalization - tell about this.

The program will focus on how digital processes are rapidly changing our reality. ID cards and biometric passports, applications and services with the ability to receive services in one click, distance medicine and education ... What does digital transformation bring to an ordinary citizen and how does it become a driver of the economy?

Answers to these and other questions “In the Public Domain” with Alexander Serebrennikov every Thursday at 21.00.

Stay with YASNAe TV and you will be aware of the latest news from the world of technology and IT.