RUE Beltelecom notifies about changes in some tariffs for services | Белтелеком

RUE Beltelecom notifies about changes in some tariffs for services

As of December 21, 2020, the cost of telecommunication services, where tariffs are regulated by the state (Resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated February 13, 2017 No. 12, as amended on November 23, 2020 No. 76), increases.

Tariffs for individuals for local telephony will increase by 4.5 percent (0.15 rubles - a subscription fee; 0.0003 rubles - time-based), long-distance telephony - by 18 percent (0.0029 rubles). Tariffs for legal entities will remain unchanged.

The decision to revise the regulated tariffs is made in order to bring them to the level of cost recovery.

Tariffs for Internet access services will increase by 1.46 percent within the limits established by the regulator in accordance with the legislation.

Tariffs for other telecommunication services will increase by an average of 5 percent as part of the projected consumer price growth index for 2021.

The increase in tariffs will allow the company to continue implementing large-scale telecommunications projects, in particular, the construction of PON networks. The possibility of developing infrastructure, taking urgent measures to maintain the quality of telecommunication services, and ensuring information security directly depend on the level of tariffs and the payback of telecommunication services.    

The increase in tariffs will not affect the services of access to line-cable facilities, dedicated Internet access, provision of long-distance communication channels and lines for use, interconnection of corporate networks via IP-protocol (VPN), provision of telecommunications operators with access to international data transmission networks, including the Internet, video surveillance services, terrestrial broadcasting of sound programs, etc.

The updated tariffs are available here.