Siarhei Buinitski headed the digital development direction of Beltelecom | Белтелеком

Siarhei Buinitski headed the digital development direction of Beltelecom

On August 26, 2024, the Director General of RUE Beltelecom Aleksei Ivashkin introduced the Deputy Director General for Digital Development and Information Technology - Siarhei Buinitski to the team.

In 2005, Siarhei Buinitski graduated from the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, in 2023 - the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus. Started the career in 2006 at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “BelGIE”, where rose through the ranks from an engineer of radio and television equipment to the head of the development and digital transformation department.

The establishment of the position of Deputy Director General for Digital Development and Information Technology emphasizes the strategic importance of the innovative direction for the enterprise. The assignment of Siarhei Buinitski to one of the key positions reflects a new stage in the development of RUE Beltelecom, which will strengthen its position in the market and provide the customers with a higher level of service.