The team “YASNAe TV” took part in the wood chopping championship among journalists | Белтелеком

The team “YASNAe TV” took part in the wood chopping championship among journalists

The Second Wood Chopping Championship among media representatives took place this weekend on the shore of the Vyacha reservoir. Teams from all regions of Belarus gathered at the competitions. The creative team of the TV channel “YASNAe TV” didn`t stand aside and took part in this exciting event.

35 teams, more than 200 people competed for the title of “strongest” in such a difficult task as wood chopping. For the first time, a team from the Chinese news agency “Xinhua” participated outside the competition. Everyone had to overcome 5 stages: mаn`s and womаn`s wood chopping, log cutting, relay race and the most fascinating stage – chopping in the Presidential style.

The competition was high. But this didn`t prevent representatives of the TV channel “YASNAe TV” from achieving good results. The female half of our team took 6th place, wood chopping among men – 21st place, log cutting – 29th place, relay race – 17th place, wood chopping in the Presidential style – 31st place. In the final team competition, “YASNAe TV” took 22nd place.

This year the main prize went to the team of the news agency “Vayar”. The champion was awarded an honorary diploma and a certificate for a family visit to the ecological tourism center “Stankovo”, as well as an ax with the personal signature of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

We congratulate the winners and prizewinners of the competition! This championship became an excellent opportunity for the team “YASNAe TV” to demonstrate their sporting qualities and strengthen the spirit of the team. We wish all participants further success and new achievements in their professional activities!