“Video Surveillance Home Light” - a new tariff for owners of private houses | Белтелеком

“Video Surveillance Home Light” - a new tariff for owners of private houses

Beltelecom offers a new tariff plan “Video Surveillance Home Light”. The novelty is intended for subscribers – individuals who want to organize video surveillance inside a dwelling or on the territory of a private house.

“Video Surveillance Home Light” includes the installation of two cameras with a resolution of 2 megapixels. The user gets round-the-clock access to video from cameras in real time or to records from the archive, which is securely stored in the Beltelecom data center for 15 days. If necessary, the video recording can be saved on the digital media of the subscriber. Video viewing is available on a smartphone, tablet, as well as on a computer through the user's web portal https://myvideo.beltelecom.by/login.

The company's specialists will conduct a survey of the territory of a private house and suggest where it is better to install video cameras. After agreeing on their layout, all the necessary communications will be laid and equipment for the service will be installed. If the residents already have their own camera, but additional ones are needed, all devices can be combined into a common video surveillance system with cloud storage of video information.

One can get a detailed consultation about the service by the toll-free round-the-clock number 123 or at Beltelecom service centers, and place a request for connection - on the website belttelecom.by or in the application “My Beltelecom”.

The service is provided if technically feasible.