A visit to Belynichsky telecommunication center was organized for pupils | Белтелеком

A visit to Belynichsky telecommunication center was organized for pupils

The pupils of the fifth and seventh grades of the Secondary school No. 2 of the city Belynichy, Mogilev region visited Belynichsky telecommunication center.

The specialists of Beltelecom told the pupils about modern telecocommunication capabilities, demonstrated popular services of the company such as high-speed Internet, interactive and smart television, Smart Home, Video Surveillance and etc. Alongside, the schoolchildren found out what troubles could they get in on the Web and how to make their surf on the Internet safe.

The meeting of pupils and employees of the company was held in a friendly atmosphere. The schoolchildren asked a lot of clarifying questions and showed a keen interest in the work of telecommunication specialists.

At the end of the meeting, the pupils received gifts from the company, and thanked the specialists of the Belynichsky telecommunication center for the interesting information and useful tips.