Watch sports projects of the YASNAe TV channel in the ZALA IPTV video library | Белтелеком

Watch sports projects of the YASNAe TV channel in the ZALA IPTV video library

"YASNAE TV" - closer to ZALA users!

The creative team presented four new sports projects at once. In the spring, the firsе run of "Clearly about football" was broadcasted. And in the autumn, on the TV channel appeared "Clearly about mini-football", "Clearly about hockey" and "Clearly about e-sports".

For the attention of viewers - thematic reports, interviews with top personalities of Belarusian sports, analysis of the best matches, footage from behind the scenes. The television language of the projects is light, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in sports events in Belarus. And you can remember the brightest moments of it by looking into the archive of programs of the YASNAE TV channel on the ZALA IPTV video library.

A complete selection of TV programs "Clearly about mini-football", "Clearly about hockey" and "Clearly about football" can be found in the "Sport" catalog. Releases of the programme for the youth audience - "Clearly about e-sports" - are placed in the "Special projects" catalog.

You can go to the selections from the ZALA main menu. Access to the catalog is free.

We wish you a pleasant viewing!