“YASNAe TV” presents a new sports project | Белтелеком

“YASNAe TV” presents a new sports project

The television season on “YASNAe TV” starts with a premiere! The television channel will present a new sports project “Clearly About Futsal”.

Sergey Turomsha, Deputy Director General for Commercial Issues of RUE Beltelecom,

In just a year, the televisionchannel became known to sports fans and definitely won its audience.Along with popular football and hockey broadcasts, we also rely on niche tournaments, such as eSports.We want to unite a wide range of fans by offering a wide variety of sports content - from live broadcasts of top matches to news and analytics.In the broadcastinggridof our televisionchannel,theprograms of our own production have already appeared.Now theyarereplenishedby the weekly program-ClearlyaboutFutsal.

“Clearly about Futsal”- the program about the most dynamic ball game. The creative team says “no” to the classic presentation. Goals, points, seconds are important, but emotions, unobvious nuances and entourage are much more important.

We will offer reports from the best matches, introduce the prominent personalities and internal life of the clubs. And of course - an analytical approach, an expert analysis of the nuances of the game. Fans, children's sports school, interactive with viewing audience, humor, a lot of humor - the program “Clearly about Futsal” is designed for the wide audience.

The first broadcast is on next Tuesday, September 8. Turn on “YASNAe TV” at 9.00 pm!