Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures | Белтелеком

Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures

Through a dedicated communication channel, the service “Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures” is provided to state enterprises and organizations, the state’s share in the authorized capital of which is more than 50 percent, as well as to other organizations founded by RUE “Beltelecom” or RUE “National Traffic Exchange Centre”. An additional requirement for the above organizations is the implementation of activities on the design of communication networks.
At the allocated workplaces of RUE “Beltelecom”, the service “Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures” is provided to all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.    
Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures is carried out if technically feasible.

Tariffs for «Providing access to information on operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures»

Introduced from April 1, 2018

Item No. Types of services Tariffs excluding value added tax, Belarusian rubles
4.3 Providing access to information in the "System of operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures based on the networks (GIS "Cadastre")":  
4.3.1 via a dedicated communication channel per 1 automated workstation (AWS), per month for the service 358,200
1. Provision of access under the clause 4.3.1 is granted to state enterprises and organizations whose state share in the authorized capital is more than 50%, as well as to other organizations founded by RUE “Beltelecom” or RUE “National Traffic Exchange Centre”. An additional requirement for the above organizations is the implementation of activities for the design of telecommunication networks.  
2. The cost of the service "Providing access to information in the "System of operational-technical recording of underground engineering networks and structures based on the networks (GIS"Cadastre") via a dedicated communication channel" does not include the cost of organizing and using a non-switched channel. The cost of a non-switched channel is charged additionally in accordance with the applicable tariffs of RUE “Beltelecom” for these services.  
4.3.2 at a dedicated workstation: per hour  7,600 for each subsequent hour 2,025