Направления развития в области качества | Белтелеком

Направления развития в области качества

RUE Beltelecom is the largest telecommunications operator operating on the market since 1995. During this time, RUE "Beltelecom" four times (qualities 2004, 20102015 and 2021) Became a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus in the field of quality.




In order to constantly improve the quality of the services provided and increase the satisfaction of the company's consumers, since 2003, Beltelecom has introduced and is constantly improving the quality management system for the provision of telecommunication services. In December 2021, the company successfully re-certified the quality management system for the provision of telecommunication services with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015 «Quality Management Systems. Requirements».


QMS based on STB ISO 9001-2015 is based on seven principles of quality management:

  • consumer orientation;
  • leadership;
  • involvement of personnel;
  • process approach;
  • improvement;
  • evidence-based decision-making;
  • relationship management.

In order to realize the mission of the enterprise, the strategic goals of the enterprise, senior management has determined the QMS processes (business processes) necessary for the provision of telecommunication services.

Each process of the enterprise QMS is assigned to the owner of the process, his duties and powers are determined. Periodic process assessments, including risk assessments, are performed for subsequent changes to improve the processes and operations of the enterprise as a whole.

In order to increase the efficiency (profitability) of the enterprise's activities, senior management introduced the project principle of investment and commercial activities of the enterprise (the concept of the project principle of work was approved).

Beltelecom RUE Strategic Objectives

The economy is moving towards more and more digitalization. The driver of this work is the State Program Digital Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025. It is the digital, innovative economy that sets the long-term vector of our country's development, which means it is included in the strategic tasks of the leading telecom operator. Beltelecom today not only introduces users to the capabilities of new technologies, but also acts as a conductor of the modern telecommunications industry. The powerful telecommunications infrastructure that the enterprise creates allows building digital potential in all sectors of activity and the social sphere.

It is the digital, innovative economy that sets the long-term vector of our country's development, which means it is included in the strategic tasks of the leading telecom operator. Beltelecom today not only introduces users to the capabilities of new technologies, but also acts as a conductor of the modern telecommunications industry. The powerful telecommunications infrastructure that the enterprise creates allows building digital potential in all sectors of activity and the social sphere a single operator of the republican public security monitoring system. At the same time, the quality of services, the reliable functioning of engineering systems, and the improvement of service remain the constant priorities of the Beltelecom RUE.