Beltelecom organized access to the information line 122 to support the elderly people | Белтелеком

Beltelecom organized access to the information line 122 to support the elderly people

Beltelecom joined the volunteer project “Good Phone” organized by the Belarus Red Cross Society and the platform “Names” to inform the elderly people. The subscribers of fixed telephony now have the opportunity to call the information line “122” to support the elderly people isolated due to an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

Volunteers of the Belarus Red Cross will be on duty at the information line. By calling the short number 122, the elderly people will be able to get answers to any questions of concern. Volunteers will talk about ways to protect health, share information on how to get help, and provide psychosocial support. Moreover, many pensioners, accustomed to an active life and feeling a lack of communication, will be able to find an attentive interlocutor and talk on any topic on the phone.

The information line is open on business days from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.