Beltelecom supported the city round of the republican youth project “100 ideas for Belarus” | Белтелеком

Beltelecom supported the city round of the republican youth project “100 ideas for Belarus”

On February 21, the final of the city round of the republican youth project "100 ideas for Belarus" was held in the Minsk City Technopark. Beltelecom prepared special prizes for the finalists.

More than 80 participants who had previously won the district rounds met at this stage. Two groups of young developers were formed: the first included young scientists and working youth, the second - students of general secondary and professional education institutions.

The participants presented their projects to experts in various areas - from agro-industrial technologies and energy to the social sphere. A total of 55 unique ideas in 10 nominations, two winning projects in each.

Alexander Poznyak, Deputy Head of the Development and Strategic Planning Department of RUE Beltelecom, together with other experts assessed projects in the nomination "Information and Communication Technologies".

"The project "100 Ideas for Belarus" is unique, it opens up new opportunities for the talented youth. Thanks to such initiatives, participants can not only present, but also implement their ideas.I wish young developers" ideas come true. I express my deep gratitude to the organizers for their invaluable contribution to the creation of such an important platform. All the projects are very interesting and promising, I am sure that they will be implemented and will benefit our country!" Alexander Poznyak shared his impressions.

"100 Ideas for Belarus" is a republican project organized by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.